Sunday, May 31, 2009

part 1: the introduction

It is clear to me that this should be told and that some should be able to read it.

For most it is of no importance but for a few or at least one or two of great significance that former artist Ron Sluik and the legendary temporary art observer Senis Besmegenis had some intensive encounters in the first winter months of 2009. Although this history is only young it is already clear now that it had a major influence on the first man mentioned. According to people close by, amongst whom were notably Tilbud and Tilbake and myself, Sluik has said:

I am not the man I used to be. I have changed my approach to where I stand in life. I have the feeling I opened a door I might have overlooked otherwise, it will never be the same anymore. It has nothing to do with the fact that I stopped drinking or smoking temporary. It is just that I would have overlooked that door otherwise. I would not have considered it useful to open that one. But I did and now all has been put in a different light. Wonder if I should have kept it shut. Maybe I should have just left it and put up a sign: TEMPORARY NO TRESPASSING. And throw away the key. But I opened it.

And he kept on and on like this for quite a long time. It is not totally clear (yet) if the encounters had the same impact for the latter. The moment this is written down Besmegenis is not available for reply anymore or at least for the moment.

One could argue I should not start writing it all down and leave it for the time being. But how long should one wait before things are forgotten? At this point I can not reveal who I am but one can believe me when I say that all that follows is according to the truth or at least to what I percept as the truth. For the moment I like to call myself Carla but I might change that while the story goes along. I am like Senis Besmegenis an observer too but of a different kind and less temporary. He actually believes we never saw each other. All is based on the recordings of fragmented memories of several characters, big and small, closely involved and related. The memories will come back in future time. Tilbud likes to think of it as haunted bog. It is not clear to me what he means by that but he is the type that likes to make issues smaller and look upon life as a bargain.


They met February 2009 for the first time. It is not clear yet who was first seeing whom. According to Sluik it was him who shook Senis actually awake from a seemingly endless sleep. According to Senis however it was him who opened Sluik's eyes the first time they met. Neither of them is clear about the actual place where this happened. Sluik claims it was near Restaurant Slavia in Prague but Senis disputes this and claims it happened almost a month earlier before near the fields of Benfica. They might be both right in their own way. I think they first met in Natland but shook hands along the river Vlatva. Clear is that from the moment they met some kind of chemistry was there which kept, to say it mildly, the two definitely busy for the following months. Insiders observed some kind of frightening fusion between them which made it hard to decipher who was who at certain moments. For sure the period was intense and can actually easily and partly be retraced and looked at. Senis worked for instance in this period on a temporary survey which still is accessible online and includes many pieces of the puzzle.

According to Sluik they split as good friends but his explanation for the sudden breakup was that Senis consciously directed the situation towards it. Sluik described it as a summersleep that would do the right trick. This however was in the eyes of Senis, as far as it can be reconstructed, not the true story. He thought he might have been swapped for some girl, some tart Sluik picked up somewhere along the road. Sluik laughs about this and claims that Senis has no idea what he is talking about. I, for myself, blush now because it could refer to me. Senis does not realize how silly he will appear once he finds out who I really am. Furthermore Sluik has been heard to say in public: I am Senis Besmegenis. Senis finds this kind of offending and over the top and even thought about legal actions. He also claimed to have witnesses who would support his allegations. According to Tilbake they will be together again and on good very good terms. He thinks it is all part of truly intense friendship. But who is he to say so? More the reason for me to do what I do now whatever the outcome might be in this history which over lapses the present.

Additional information

Sluik is actually called Ronnie Sluik. He prefers to be called Sluik within the professional art world he used to be part of. Senis Besmegenis likes to be just called Senis. He claims it makes him feel younger than he really is. In the descriptions and fragments of conversation to come I restrict their names to Sluik and Senis. For a moment I considered suitable using nicknames FARS and TAO but this might confuse more than necessary in a matter which is too complicated already in its simpleness. Before I can end this introduction and without any intention to make it even more twilight zoned and without wanting to draw extra attention to me, the following: Recently Sluik has used within a new project he initiated in cooperation with the emerging and talented artist Tudor Bratu (do I want to protect him ?!?) my name. Sluik states two versions about my identity which both are not necessary true. In the first one I am a Chinese puppet on his wall and in the second I am long dead and buried in Belgrade. I leave it to the dedicated readers of this text to form their own opinion and beliefs. I will add in the times to come the memories I have and which are significant for you to become truly understanding observers of the whole history too and which does not seem to have ended yet. I hope courage will be given to me to continue what I started here.

Carla T Hauser, 31 May 2009.